Sunday, January 10, 2010

Something I Know. Part 1

When I was 14 I believed that one had to adhere to a philosophy or religion.  For what purpose,  I had yet to figure that out.  I travelled, questioned, meditated and  past life regressed. I got massaged, Reikied, Zero Balanced, Theta healed, acupunctured, Tarot carded, astrologized ( is there such a word?) rolfed, and studied lots. I lived and studied in lands that are considered the cradle of civilization,  land of the Tao and rising sun only to find out as an adult that wherever I am and whoever I "think" I am or wish to become is simply an illusion! 

Whew!! It sure is liberating knowing that after all of my adventures and wanderings,  I have returned to fine.   It is said, and I agree,  that we are beings of divine grace and simply go through our lives forgetting this bit!  I am at last free to no longer clutter my mind with the limiting concerns of perfection or of lacking enough spirituality or enlightenment!!  I can, without restraint,  move through my mundane days and see the brilliance of everything or not.  I can grumble about too much laundry knowing that my bitching at that moment in time does not define me as a person (neither does it get the laundry folded any faster).  Ah, the vastness of the temporal  a true freedom to enjoy all things while Knowing that I am both on my way and already there.

This is what I know to be true.  This is what I feel to be definitive of kindness, compassion and love.


Follow your thoughts.  What we think ultimately creates our world.  The further we move away from thoughts of judgement and limitation (which are borne of fear and sadness) and move toward thoughts of kindness the sooner our lives will manifest the results of kindness.  Illuminating these thoughts is the first step to realizing that they are neither who we are nor that they have the power we think they do.   So, when you listen to those voices that judge, criticize and justify, simply acknowledge them and *POOF* they disappear. For a closer look at following and acknowledging thoughts you may wish to learn more about Vipasana Meditation.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Love What You Do!! Do What You Love.

As we mark time with festivals, birthdays and sacred holidays of all types I am pleased to be moving into my 20th year as a professional New York State licensed Massage Therapist. Yes, two decades on April 20, 2010!!  I emphasize the word licensed because most people who make the effort to get licensed have gone through a rigourous process of education, testing and interning as part of their journey to grow into professionalism.

I must admit there was a time when I felt as though I "should" do something else, because, after all being a massage therapist for soooo long, without evolving into another field is not enough.......right?  As those thoughts crossed my mind I felt them to be neither true nor mine.  I realized they were the voices of others I knew who entered and exited this field and their need to follow different paths because they themselves had judged massage therapy as "not enough".  I; in a sense; tried on their words and felt the judgements as not mine and in my opinion this kind of negativity is never a healthy reason to pursue other arenas. 

So, 20 years later I am still a massage therapist BUT can confidently say that I have mastered the art of massage, am always learning and applying new venues to my practice and LOVE WHAT I DO.  I no longer experience those times of restlessness laced with judgement that I "should" pursue more.  Should remains as a NOT good enough reason to do anything.  I am pleased that I have made a committment to myself and to those people who seek out my expertise for the right reason:  I LOVE WHAT I DO.

Enshrinehealth Dynamics Tip:
Discovering massage was for me a very synchronistic event.  It was the proverbial lightbulb over the head experience.  I had a feeling in my gut of a joyous "knowing" or intuiting that it was right for me.  This was followed by an "effortless effort" as I seamlessly gathered all the required paperwork to ensure my enrollment to the Swedish Institute in New York.  For those of you who may be in career flux, perhaps take the time to meditate/visualize various careers that you may like to pursue and simply pay attention to how your body/gut/intuition feels.  Its like trying on a pair of shoes: you know when they do not fit!  The same simple technique may be applied to anything from relationships to new hobbies. Wherever uncertainty may exist, meditation makes clear.  For further inquiries into meditation please visit Harshada Wagner at

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Warmth of Winter

As we face really cold weather and the daily, ineveitable glide toward deep winter I cannot help feeling a sense of warmth and excitement!! The warmth is certainly a metaphor and since I was raised Jewish, the excitement does not come from a lifetime of anticipated visits from Santa.  How I would describe it is as a profound sense of belonging in the world around me, without a need to change anything..............acceptance comes to mind.  This is definitely my favorite time of year.  It is replete with the promise of light and life even as we surrender to the silencing cold and snow.   I have to intuit this bounty as it lay dormant.

 I am compelled to listen for it in a way that is not as obvious as the rush of spring or the wealth of an autumn harvest.  So, the best way I know how is when I step out of my car after I return home at night and I look up into the clear winter sky at the spray of stars (and airplane lights) I feel the starkness of the cold and realize that the warmth is eminating from me,  I am the source,  I am where it begins and ends.  Sometimes I remain standing a very warm coat.........satisfied in knowing that I have everything I need with me.  It feels really great!

 Enshrinehealth Dynamics Tip
This light and warmth are symbolic of this time of year at Solstice when the sun returns making our days longer and brighter. It is a time of beginnings, the promise of life and of course the New Years resolution.  If any resolution is to be made, make the one that allows you to be kinder to yourself.  Seriously, it all begins and ends with you.  If you can see yourselves as having plenty and being the bountiful source then this generosity, this kindness will move from you through to the lives of those who you touch.  Make resolutions that are permissive not punishing............